it tingles my skin
you gave me a rush,
indubitably with a blush.
The scent on your skin
it lingers on me
so much that love,
you're drowning me.
Intoxicated, I wish.
but you kept me going.
accelerating your every move
leaving me breathless,
on the dancefloor
wanting more.
when I thought I need to wait a lil' more just to see you again,
you appeared right infront me.
I can't contain the excitement in me and
I just have to hug you to make my misses go away.
You make me smile with sunshine over me.
Shocked is likely to be the perfect word for Mummykin's reaction
when she saw me all geared up in the morning with everything in place,
right from chores to the my own lunch, prepared by me, myself & I, of course.
It's like she is witnessing me shredding my skin to a new one therefore, a new me is born.
If only I could capture that priceless expression of hers.
And I came to realise that I actually look forward to every Sunday.
School has kept me busy as always with mounting meetings & preparations to settle and stress has even become a best friend for me but work, it's a whole different story.
Though the standing hours and boredom could be a killer, I have no reason to loathe it.
I enjoy getting to know other people & small people too.
They way they smiled and laughed even if they're making a mess at my products, I still enjoyed their company. Sometimes, it made me wonder why I'm so attracted to kids.
And when people weren't looking, I get the 10sec timer on.

I miss you terribly.
How long has it been?

and so after minutes waiting, Karlok, became whom I called my hairdresser.
He was friendly and cautious, not to mention a perfectionist too.
And so, as time passes slowly, we grew into a good friendship.
In my eyes, he isn't only a hairdresser but a friend that well, needs someone to rely too.
Being stucked in the academy for so many hours tending to every strand of hair, keeping him company is the least I could do.
I do have to admit I was indeed surprised when I asked him for one. *laughs*
the show kicked off with blasting musics at the background
and jumpy models ready to showcast the audience what they are dressed for.
And for mine, its Circus time.

And behold, these characters are the wonders.
That blondie, is the one that taught me aboout "Chips".
That Gorgeous Lady, is the one with the whip. (totally attracts me!)
Those Clowns, are the coolest. (:

Thank you for such great art people! (:
That is all I'm looking forward to but like they always say, don't get your hopes too high.

I'm already excited just thinking about it!
And one of them is of course, my demand of basic respect under the very same roof.
Sadly though, I always failed to get it and the reason I came to realise is probably because I'm still a Kid to their eyes.
Intepretation of my respect may be different but such basic demand of respecting one another without the usage of domineering is indubitably possible.
Nevertheless, restrictions can always be seen especially when it is the Patriarchy system where one is preaching.
I just hate the fact when we have no say and his is the final.
I could only dream of it.
and dance ironically it seems, is my escape and my deathbed.
A change.
That is all I could hope for.

Apparently, he made my day by giving me an apple as a promotion to Laneige.
Shockingly however, he looks pretty much like Dao Qing.
*wide eyes*
And what could you ask for when you have a camera with you this time round?

Another piece written not long after Mr. Appleman left.
Witnessing every events
before my eyes repetitively,
Not a single one
with flaws or mistakes.
Silently, watching those
many with an oblivious mind.
Not showing a single care to the world
around them,
too busy indulging in my realm.
For I am allowed
not to befriend with one whose name
is procastinators
but reprimand them if any.
Visions around me
starts to shake.
So vague,
I'm left untouched.
As ever questions needs an answer,
an illness needs it remedy.
A key that could set all the
emotions that were once
binded, free.
A voice.
So faint but clear.
Be rejoice, for that's what I heard.
I could smile and talk again.
For I am no longer a statue
to your eyes but
a puppet before it's Master.

Sometimes I could feel your presence around me.
I'm never falling.
But baby tell me then, what is this?
Phase 1.
When you're bored at work with nothing but a piece of paper & pen in hand.
Time stood still.
As I hold her soft delicate hands.
Awed by the beauty,
of God's creation.
Time stood still.
As I gazed so deeply into
her hazelnut eyes.
Wondering if she has that
same rush as I do.
Time stood still.
As I darted my eyes all over her,
Immersing myself into her scrawny figure
and delicate features
the envy to one not, but many.
Time stood still.
As I take her in my arms,
ever so tightly.
For I pray tonight our souls
would entwined.
... Tick ... Tock ...
Haters would be cease for eternity, trust me.
Tonight my mannequin, you will finally be free.
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
Don't get me wrong though. I owe Baby Jasmine alot for this but I guess, I boredom just striked me faster than I thought it would. Still, it was great.
and I seriously need to get mandarin lesson A.S.A.P !
Everyone seemed to be conversing in such with me today! and I think, I have to consider learning Cantonese too.
Apparently, it seemed to be the only thing they could try to interact with me.
Ironically, I don't even look like chinese!
and oh, just so you know regarding the poem above, I'm not a Lesbian please.
I just felt like writing in such a way.
weird much?
Cause you know,
I won't handle it well.
It's Friday the 13th.
And it's no surprise to have our dearest Freddy Krueger or even Jason Vorhees running in my mind the whole time.
(minus the half an hour spent at Gelare earlier).
Though it's pretty taboo, sometimes I wish to have scary surprises.
and as always, my youngest brother would likely be the victim,
when some devious plans came to my mind.
can't blame him though.
boredom does wonders to me sometimes.
So anyway,
3 Mama-lassies head down to Gelare after a spinning time at Mars.
Gotta prepare dearest Aurora's Surprise birthday a stone ahead!
and of course,
I hope that things would fall into place.

The Blonde Joke
After hours and hours of exhausting sex with a blonde, a man walks into his kitchen to get a drink.
He fills up his glass with milk, when he looks down and realizes that his penis is still really hot.
He gets an idea and sticks it in the glass of milk to cool it down.
Just as he does, the blonde walks in and says,
"I always wondered how you refilled those things!"
specially from Stacey's dad.

Serious aint ever in our dictionary,
yet you gave it to the fullest.
I've got only one question,
why love?
The Chicken Farmer
A woman walks into her accountant's office and tells him that she needs to file her taxes.The accountant says, "Before we begin, I'll need to ask a few questions."
He gets her name, address, social security number, etc., and then asks,
"What is your occupation?"
The woman replies, "I'm a whore."The accountant balks and says, "No, no, no. That will never work. That is much too crass and may cause you trouble. Let's try to rephrase that."
The woman, "OK, I'm a prostitute."
"No, that is still too crude. Try again."
They both think for a minute, then the woman states,
"I'm a chicken farmer."
The accountant asks, "What does chicken farming have to do with being a whore or a prostitute?"
"Well, I raised over 5,000 cocks last year."
Cause when things turn topsy turvy,
I would need it.
So lay it on me.
You may find your life is way ahead than others.
Things suddenly went wrong and you blame the fate that has brought you to it.
You find yourself snooping your way through someone else's virtual diary just so to convince yourself that their life has that interesting spark but not yours.
You tried so hard to convince yourself that life is fair for you.
You wish you could stop pretending.
You failed to realise that being true to oneself is what matter most.
You wish you could trade your place with someone better.
It seems like Parental Guidance has become on of my favourite topics.
There is just too much under the table that I need to share.
Sometime last week, I came across an article depicting about
some poor female souls that have the frequent problem of
Shaving to them has become a second nature.
Besides, who would love a lady with too much HAIR?
(if you know what I mean)
Ladies, fret not.
There is afterall a blessing in disguise.
Before I get on to it, let me explain just a gist of it.
Our human body has 2 types of hair : vellus and terminal.
The vellus hair is fine, non-pigmented and unresponsive to hormones.
Terminal hair, on the other hand, is generally long, coarse and dark.
It also changes based on our hormones.
and why the hell do I need to know all these, you may ask?
don't curse me just yet.
here comes the interesting part.
Descibed by the Times of India:
Since hirsute women have higher levels of testosterone, both the clitoris and the G spot are thought to respond to the hormone.
Women capable of orgasm during penetrative sex have a thicker tissue area in the region between the vagina and the urethra – meaning it's now easy to medically tell the difference between the lucky "cans" and the "can-nots".
and this lead me to question I can't help not to ponder.
I wonder which trait women would prefer:
the ability to orgasm through intercourse or easy-to-maintain body hair?
This concludes one thing: Hirsute ladies have better sex.
So ladies, rejoice.
You have a higher chance to get orgasm faster and perhaps, longer.
so while you at it, I'll be busy shaving bathing.

one reason: THRILL

Who wouldn't love the thrill of "getting caught" when both are getting on hot & steamy on the set?
To be so oblivious yet careful at the same time,
it is no wonder that intimate acts are no longer an alien to us.
well, most of us that is.
To witness such acts would be a bless for some, it's like paying for good movie
minus the popcorns & comfortable air-conditioned seats, but for most it is
in fact a disgust.
(especially if it's not a "hot" couple. no offence).
So may I suggest some other public places where you can get intimate
without having our eyes sore?
The car, bar bathrooms or the back alley are one of the most common places.
It is to such extent that some bathroom attendant starts to charge for fornication for $20 per 10minutes! no kidding.
Well, that happend in New York. Singapore? I doubt there will be.
(you lucky asses.)
While some may think that these acts are a fantasy, not every couple would want or has the perfect game plan.
Intimacy is believe to be share only among themselves privately.
Now, that makes me think,
won't that just put "threesome" to shame?
It's never love but lust.
But why do I keep seeing you everywhere?
Even that scent is trailing me.
Maybe cause I miss you?
this much?
I'm so confused.
The Hang Glider
Here is the analysis:
You love fair relationship with your boyfriends. You like a simple wedding. It can merely be cohabitation without wedding, or you live separately with your husband. Despite all these, you will still have a good time together until you become a grandmother or a grandfather. Then, you are still good friends who always living the rest of your life together.I'm clueless as to why I've been scaring myself for the past few days.
Not literally though.
Beyond a doubt, the haunting has started thus the reason why I'm frightened.
The fact that most are wondering why I'm not attached
when I'm at the most suitable age to do so.
Many were plain nosey, poking their nose to every detail I took while some were just so absurd coming up with theories of their own.
Though I have to admit it was enjoyable listening to what are the possible reasons why
I'm still on the market (so they said. pffts).

I guess relationship to me is just too big of a responsiblity to handle.
Not that I DON'T want to but it's more of like, I'm NOT READY to.
To commit and accept someone for who
is never easy.
Suggest to more of an open relationship?
I would.
But society do not prevail on such an act.
especially MY "kind" of society.
Not that I don't have a choice, do I?
It's never easy nor it'll be fair.
Afterall, life isn't a bed of roses.
Yet I have to admit sometimes I cheat my ways.
What do you expect?
I'm just a ME, so deal with it.

Your Marriage
How will you choose your Mr Right?
You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.Who will be your future Mr Right?
Your real-life hero will be manly. He'll be dependable, even financially. He will protect you and always respect your feelings. He'll probably be quite a bit older than you.When will you get married?
As soon as you fall in love, you'll want to grab your man and hang on to him. You will probably marry very young, so it would be wise of you to think carefully before committing.What sort of wife will you be?
You are a bit tricky. You might pretend to be a sensitive and caring wife in his eyes, but you'll be ready to laugh at him behind his back and eventually you may even leave him for another man.Will you and your husband have a good time together?
You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.What will your children be like?
Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.How loyal are you?
You are a cool chick! You pretend not to care about the many men you attract, but they just keep coming back for more. When you are married, you won't be a loyal kind.*gasp*
I'm suing this quiz.
you'll be hearing from my lawyer soon.
Indubitably, change is the only constant thing on earth and inevitably, people do change with time.
It's funny to think sometimes how one would attempt soul searching of oneself.
To analyse preferably every detail of oneself right from weakness to strengths that one may believe he owns.
Never did it occur to me how important it is to finally get to know oneself even before you start to indulge into anything.
So thanks to technology, answers to my undying doubts and curiosities could be explicitly depicted from all sorts of sources.
And here is one to start with.
Here is the analysis:
- You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
*and I thought I was special! pffts. HAHA. - You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
*ouch. that...hurts. - You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
*oh wow. This is something I haven't heard before. Domineering side take charge. Scary. - Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. (yet again..) You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
*okay I seriously oppose to this notion. I read books and I do have my serious side at times! how could you be so- so-.. judgemental?!!?! - Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
*I'll definitely take note of this.............when I finally own a Boyfriend that is.
And when one is not enough to get me addicted
(though most tend to be crappy judgementals on me),
I decided to try out on something a lil' more fascinating.
What is your CHARM?
Here is the analysis:
Kind and Gentle
You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
Now THAT was refreshing. (:
"What are you wearing?"
No matter how it starts, once you're in underway,
you wished you had that unlimited phone calls contract you were once offered to.
There is no telling how hot&steamy or even bothered you'll be
for this just one phone call.

Phone sex (figuratively speaking), is one out of the many sex that is popular for myriad of reasons.
- It's safe. You can literally talk your way through where YOU want to touch yourself.
- No protection needed. I'm sure many would love to indulge, with "phone fornication" that can be so safe yet intensely intimate at the same time. *chuckles*
- Orgasms is higly potential. Hey, it's all about pleasing YOURSELF.. only indirectly. *giggles*
Fantasy and Fairytales would only come to life if you give them.
But if you're more of a practical person,
having the lights & clothes off would probably get you to the main event.
*wags eyebrows*
Once in awhile do indulge yourself for some fun but
to have such intense one requires full trust.
And do share because,
"sharing is caring".