Sunday, May 31, 2009 | 3:19 AM | 0comments
After another fabulous show tonight,
all I want to do was to sink myself into my ever so comfortable
queen size bed after a good long date with Mr Duckie
without having to get distracted with Rudy.
(there is always a but..)
I was too freshed to head to dreamland and since
Rudy has been calling me,
I know I just had to do what I gotta do.
seriously, bad move.
Cakes, Donuts and more Cakes.
That's it. I'm seriously gonna look like a balloon in my costume
for my next show.

Thank you all for the wishes and presents.
and oh! I had an umbrella for a gift as well!
by RJ, Matilda and Nic!
Happy Birthday wishes were written all over the white plastic cover
umbrella by Matilda's red hot lipstick.
and though it was the silliest,
it was the sweetest gift of the night.
Thank you.
and so I've decided.
I made a compilation of some of my favourite solos pictures.
It was indeed a memorable evening.
and birthday, as well.

It's been a awesome 2 nights at TRCC.
Though I wish more friends would be there,
I still thank ya'll for the support no matter where ya'll at.
And I have to wake up at 7am later to head down to lavender.
oh bummer.
Dreamland, please hurry up and call me.
Saturday, May 30, 2009 | 1:50 AM | 0comments
When the spotlights hit us, we all knew, the moment is now.
Diffident are not who we are and tonight, we all gonna shine.
For when we did, the crowd went wild and boy, the feeling was ineffable.
Short as it may seemed to be,
the show was a success and feedbacks were tremendous.
But when the curtains went down, it doesn't mean the end.
For it is only the beginning of yet another
wondrous journey of a terpsichorean.

Can I just love this picture more?
30th May already?
That was fast.
Morning Sickness`
Thursday, May 28, 2009 | 11:30 PM | 0comments
Woke up by a throbbing pain in the tummy, a headache
and like a cherry on top of every sundae,
pure emesis right in the toilet bowl.
Morning sickness?
Simply had to drag myself out to the doctor and
a friendly masked face greeted me yet again.
Ignorant of me to forget about the precautions
they are taking for H1N1.
"For Standby" that's what she said when she gave me a slip for two days MC.
"but but, I feel fine!
and I've got a show tomorrow & rehearsal today!"
No I didn't said that but I wanted to.
Stomach Flu.
Some of the most common symptoms of Stomach Flu are:
diarrhea, fever, headache, dehydration and vomiting.
Vomiting and fever may or may not occur, but diarrhea almost always occurs.
The symptoms of stomach flu usually takes several days to appear.
What are the odds!?
Take several days to appear? No wonder.
And on a lighter note, an email I gotten from Tony & Guy Academy.

The temptation.
Fulfil in the fantasy only one could see and feel.
For that fantasy is not real.
And only a trip could make one be in a state of bliss.
Pleasant Ramifications`
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments
How should I begin?
After all that had happen today, I'm just breathless.
Though it was a terrible morning to start with, another purge of yesterday's lunch/dinner,
I was still up with smiles thinking of what I'll be doing today.
It wasn't much but I was glad I did get to see you.
don't worry, for all is settled and I finally understood the reason behind the
Ultimately, I'm the sole factor and my apologies for dragging
you down with me.
Indubitably, a beautiful day starts with you.
Of course, with expectations, there will be disappointment & I'm glad there wasn't any.
and hey, it was our first time tonight wasn't it?
Thank you.
Seven to Nine.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 | 11:52 PM | 0comments
An ice cream treat from the one who had guided and "bore" us all just the same.
Never had all we suspected that you'll be going away so very soon.
And perhaps, that explains your hurried movement all around school.
It has been a great journey with you and here is our farewell hug
for you journey to education as you begin to continue it along side with us.
Welcome back as a student Nisar!
3 more days countdown to the biggest show ever in RP.
which gonna make me a year older very soon now.
oh boy. the joy.
Settled the blocking as soon as possible and
as usual, the faggot is being himself yet again.
Sometimes, I just wish to shut him up.
with or without weapons.
And after training, I got my first partner picture with Gary dearest!

He's been such an angel.
No matter, he will always put himself first & never stop worrying
if he ever hurt me even for the slighest.
Though all the bruises and whatnots were just another day in the office
for me, he still felt like as if he were to be blame
Such a headache at times to assure him.
Nevertheless, a great partner to work with.
But who ever said, Happily Ever After?

And I'm just so addicted to Jasmine.
or maybe it's just you?
Smile. It's Priceless to me.
Monday, May 25, 2009 | 11:27 PM | 0comments
Fulfilling your fantasy bed. bed.
After watching this clip 2 things sparked in my mind.
- It made me wonder if I ever going to have such
conversation in bed (in the coming future of course). - SMURF!?
You are Priceless to me. Do you know that?
Pestiferous Moments`
Sunday, May 24, 2009 | 11:03 PM | 0comments
- I've got a long coffee session with him yesterday night & to my surprise,
was presented with the most unpleasant yet "thoughtful"
advance birthday present. - I had the similar nightmare as last week.
- Plugged in my mp3 but the goddamn ear piece won't work.
- Rudy is showing tantrums....again.
- Last day of SDIG camp falls on 6th June and as luck would have it,
we are invited to perform on a prestigious event
the very same day. - And of course, I'm working every weekends, yes?
- I can't find a replacement for that particular day.
- Op for MC now?
(which then means I need to head to the doctor but I have camp on the day itself!) - Let's count check again:
If I did get my permit granted, I won't be working for 3 straight days.
Indubitably, it was getting a little mundane and draggy
but I keep myself busy by having you in it!
I guess I'm just missing you badly baby.
You're just so near yet so far.
but I keep myself busy by having you in it!
I guess I'm just missing you badly baby.
You're just so near yet so far.
Jump to the Rhythm
Saturday, May 23, 2009 | 11:29 PM | 0comments
My legs were already twitching from the itching & it has been bugging me to make a leap from this zombie-like atmosphere in the store simply because my freedom call is nearing.
which means, I'll be free from this mundane-ness in just a few short minutes.
(at times like this, I rather feed the pigs than selling bags with printed animals on it).
Just when my watch hit exactly 2130hours (Freedom Call!!),
Move, Shake & Drop by Florida was being aired on the stereo. Of all the times to air such song..
It wouldn't hurt to stay for another 3minutes now, would it?
From Florida to T-pain to Michael Buble to Leona Lewis, I couldn't help groove to those songs anyway. Heck, there wasn't anyone around.
So guess what time I eventually knocked off?
30minutes of "it wouldn't hurt to stay for just another song(s)..." .
But when it hits Love by Matt White, I knew I just got to stay and that would be the last song for tonight.
and yep. It was.
All I need was a shoulder and a listening ear.
Cold Shoulder... NOT.
Friday, May 22, 2009 | 11:30 PM | 0comments
It was silly rather of me to think that at times,
solutide is what one would seek
in times of melancholy or despondency.
Not even thinking of another window to channel
all the negative energy out but to settle for one
which causes no loss or vex to
Pathetic isn't it?
That life is just merry not but full of doubts.
And with one simple and short post,
I realised something far more important.
That my life had caused a difference to many
and especially to someone,
whom I would sacrifice my life for.
How it can excite or bore oneself still amuses me.
Nonetheless, those words that you wrote,
were blessed and filled with pure
sincerity and love
for which I could deeply feel and teared for.
Have I realised not that I was as important as you in my life?
That YOU are my better half?
That you are my friend, my enemy, my everything?
A cold shoulder not what I would ever give you
but love and bliss all eternity.
For when you sat there and listened to my cries,
knowing nothing else would understand the needs
but you.
Come what may, I will always love you.
and you know that, don't you Twiniee?
For when the clouds above my head had closed in,
the rain poured like a monsoon.
And soon it shall be washed away with sunshine and smiles.
And so the short video I stumbled upon after long lost
and without much effort, brought back the smile & laughter on my face.
and without much effort, brought back the smile & laughter on my face.
Noodles & Me

Cyanide & Happiness @
And the very one that gave me a quick laugh:
An inspirational Tale of one man's rise to Success.
An inspirational Tale of one man's rise to Success.

Cyanide & Happiness @
You've been there, didn't you?
Because I knew it was your touch that
brought me up to heaven.
Don't stop now.
Times Like This
Thursday, May 21, 2009 | 11:46 PM | 0comments
Yet again, you never failed to surprise me.After so long hidden in those shadows of yours, you emerged and shined me your sincerity concerns.
How touching.... yet disappointing.
For only when trouble seemed to spell on my forehead, care but not you would potrayed.
And thank you for being transparent to me.
Appreciate it alot.
Of course, you do realised, your well articulation, was what driven me to the high time.
Don't take a wild jab in the air now.
Because I knew that you could sensed it.
Nevertheless, wishing you blissful "eternity" and please, don't hide anymore.
and on the contrary, I saw something interesting & well, wondering if it would ever happen for my horoscope tomorrow.
Your romantic energy is white hot today.
You are sexy and interesting, and most people find you utterly irresistible.
If you are single, you may meet someone special
whose first words are "I don't think so!"
...but you will not let an apparent rejection stop you.
but then again, I felt bad rejecting (twice) his offer to dance the night away.
Beautiful boy?
Media, Camera, Action!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 | 10:47 PM | 0comments
One of my favourite Photo Ops!

Momentum Preview
5 different dance genres come together to perform for their inaugural preview
all set with Media and Press
in TRCC, the biggest theatre in Republic Polytechnic.
Despite only having a few hours of training for the collaboration with the Latin Wing,
we manage to give it all out and heck, there were few downs,
but we rocked it still!
The big show is NEXT WEEK!!
and I just realised something else is next week.
I'm getting old.

And before we part our ways,
one last picture:
Salseros Senoritas!

And I know it,
Even though you try best not to show it
You're tryin to figure out where it's going
Who is he to me and exactly
What does that mean to you
He's not a threat no he's just my beautiful Boy
Don't get upset he's just a friend of mine
boy you trippin
Ain't no competition now.
Beautiful boy, all your friends say it aint right
Don't second guess the bond that we got
Got everybody wondering bout my beautiful boy.
To be completely honest he's not even my type
I just enjoy my beautiful boy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments
With everything else in check, we headed towards the theatre for the final blocking.The press is coming tomorrow so we gotta clean this act real swift.
And with the ladies missing some outfits, it just degrade my motivation.
But then again, something else made my day and I'm glad to keep it always in my mind for such instances.
And Money Changer Man broke a chair today.
way to go dude.

I was thinking more of like
a cozy tomorrow,
but we gotta do what we gotta do
in the end of the day.
So that would mean, no rest?
Rendevous, You & Me.
Monday, May 18, 2009 | 11:55 PM | 0comments
Emotions do wonders to you at times.When the least you expect, it would come recrudescingly from within you regardless positive or not. And it is at these times when you would take a step back to analyse the things that could ever triggered such emotion.
But this time, it's not necessary.
Because I clearly know why and as a matter of fact, I kind of love it.
Close, too Close,
That tender lips.
Closing in, even more,
Soft pink; your lips.
And when I feel them near to mine;
so soft, so divine
No less than estacy of wine,
delicate, and fine.
these rare times, confused me in a dream of mine.
Illusion, mirage is that your being?
when your lips were to kiss;
Not a single moment, I was to miss.
I held my breath, to feel your bliss.
Then, I knew for sure, that this moment 'exist'.

That tender lips.
Closing in, even more,
Soft pink; your lips.
And when I feel them near to mine;
so soft, so divine
No less than estacy of wine,
delicate, and fine.
these rare times, confused me in a dream of mine.
Illusion, mirage is that your being?
when your lips were to kiss;
Not a single moment, I was to miss.
I held my breath, to feel your bliss.
Then, I knew for sure, that this moment 'exist'.

Curtain Call`
Sunday, May 17, 2009 | 11:26 PM | 0comments
It's pathetic isn't it?
To have always hope for the impossible,
knowing that deep inside
it will never happen.
If one knows that with
expectations comes disappointment
when one succeed not but failed,
why even bother having one?
Like a friend once said,
take a step back and watch.
because the show no longer
need a cast like you
for your role is over and your curtain call
is now.
so bow now
and let's applaud for your performance.
To have always hope for the impossible,
knowing that deep inside
it will never happen.
If one knows that with
expectations comes disappointment
when one succeed not but failed,
why even bother having one?
Like a friend once said,
take a step back and watch.
because the show no longer
need a cast like you
for your role is over and your curtain call
is now.
so bow now
and let's applaud for your performance.
Well Articulate?
Thursday, May 14, 2009 | 11:23 PM | 0comments
So I'm suppose to guide them because I'm the most articulate person in the team?
One who has the better command in english and who is sociable and open?
and is one of the best as discussed among the advisors?
Oh would you stop with the crap already?
sounds good doesn't it, to be praised about something
you're capable of doing?
but to hear it coming from you, it just doesn't work.
So you want me to be your underdog now?
and train your ****ing juniors so they could be better then me?
Do you even realise I couldn't stand their english for even a minute!?
What makes you think I'll abide to your demands?
After what you did and BITCH about my people,
there is no way I'm playing nice.
2 can play in this game faggot.
I'm only doing this because it gives me the benefit
It'll improve my social circle and my deliver to different set of audience.
Afterall, I've been invited to join the Emcee crew.
So I might as well start now.
Call me a bitch and you think I care?
It doesn't matter because it runs in the blood.
Just your luck to get me as your "underdog".
You'll suffer faggot.
well, on a lighter note:
And with all the Hu Ha going around about our Mr Convict that
has finally been nabbed in M'sia,
I've got only one reason why it took that long for him to be found.
Something that the malaysians declined to reveal on how they nabbed
Mas Selamat after close to a year of being on the run.

It's happening again.
I miss you.
A Documentary`
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments
Schedule for the day:1) 7:30am : Good Morning World.

2) 7:35am - 8am : A date with Mr Duckie.
[No Picture to be inserted here]
Remarks: So this time I grab my bathrob and headed for my usual meet up place where Mr. Duckie will be waiting. Totally refreshing. Only I wish to stay longer. *smiles*
3) 8am - 8.45am : Attire Dilemma.

10) 7pm - 8pm : Dinner(?)

11) 8pm - 8.30pm : Trip to Union!

12) 9pm - 10.30pm : Salsa/Bachata Time

13) 10.30pm - 11.45pm : Journey to home.

14) 12am : The End.

Remarks: Not exactly in my bathrob (too sexy for that) though. Woke up but still too sleepy to drag myself out of Mr Bed.
2) 7:35am - 8am : A date with Mr Duckie.
Remarks: So this time I grab my bathrob and headed for my usual meet up place where Mr. Duckie will be waiting. Totally refreshing. Only I wish to stay longer. *smiles*
3) 8am - 8.45am : Attire Dilemma.

Remarks: And so, it has come to the moment every girl (or guy) fear of. The attire dilemma. *headache*
Took me a whole half an hour (that is what I could remember..) to finally adjudicate the horrifying decision.
4) 8.45am - 9am : Out to Woodlands Station. Took me a whole half an hour (that is what I could remember..) to finally adjudicate the horrifying decision.

Remarks: A slight caught up with some issues at home, I was delayed and poor Mario had to wait for me outside. Oooppss. Finally, made it to the train with a dysfunctional phone. *shrugs*
5) 9am - 10am : Trip to Borders. 
Remarks: The long gone, for finally, we reached the first destination! My hunt for News Magazines begins now! *smiles*
and just a little souvenir, I bought 'Nights at Rodanthe' by Nicholas Sparks, my all time favourite writer (also the reason, I couldn't decide to choose between Cecelia and Nicholas so I decided to settle for this instead) .
6) 10am - 2:30pm : Research & Lunch! :)and just a little souvenir, I bought 'Nights at Rodanthe' by Nicholas Sparks, my all time favourite writer (also the reason, I couldn't decide to choose between Cecelia and Nicholas so I decided to settle for this instead) .

Remarks: Ultimately, after so long researching for the plausible topic to work on, this fatty tummy needs something to get the brain juice ready. So we're off to Pastamania to get something full enough so it could last me for the entire day. Oh, and I like the Mango Smoothie!
7) 3pm - 4.45pm : Friday the 13th, Cineleisure.
Remarks: And since I'm done with my aim for the day, Mario suggested a movie, Friday the 13th at Cineleisure. Surprisingly, he know nuts about it. And I thought the movie is famous enough. *shrugs*
Still, I like murder shits... (at times).
p/s: and I wasn't covering my face, you nimblet. It was my mouth. M-O-U-T-H. -_-"
8) 5pm - 5.45pm : Trip to Bugis.Still, I like murder shits... (at times).
p/s: and I wasn't covering my face, you nimblet. It was my mouth. M-O-U-T-H. -_-"

Remarks: So I had a crazy idea but it was harmless yes? We walked from Somerset all the way to Bugis! It's a good exercise anyway. The big guy needs it. I'm only being nice. (:
9) 5.50pm - 7pm : Shoppinngg!
Remarks: The first shop(s) we visited when we reached Bugis were the Party Shops. They had 3 of them in a row and we absolutely had to go give it a short visit (it's like, they're calling my name, you know?), simply to get ideas for Tea Party this coming June.
And when I saw the devil stick, I just HAD to take a picture with it!
p/s: oh yes. And I bought a redundant dress. -_-"
And when I saw the devil stick, I just HAD to take a picture with it!
p/s: oh yes. And I bought a redundant dress. -_-"
10) 7pm - 8pm : Dinner(?)

Remarks: I wasn't hungry at all even after the long walk from somerset accompanied with another long hunt for my "shopping trip" but MacD sounded kind of nice to just chill for a while before heading to our next destination. Of course, Mario ordered the usual and just a plain saltless fries for me will do.
p/s: Though it was only for a few seconds, my eyes were hurting already. Hate it to try someone else's specs. pffts.
p/s: Though it was only for a few seconds, my eyes were hurting already. Hate it to try someone else's specs. pffts.
11) 8pm - 8.30pm : Trip to Union!

Remarks: Of course we didn't walk this time round! And since it's Ladies Night, the big guy seemed to look forward for it. Variety. *laughs*
12) 9pm - 10.30pm : Salsa/Bachata Time

Remarks: A little disapponted though that dearest Alice and Kor Kor couldn't make it. Kor Kor is sick much.
The usual company was there & I'm surprised to see Wilson too! Mario was finally warmed up with a bachata song and slowly to Salsa thereafter.
And when I'm finally about to leave, I met up with William (I think that's how to spell his name)!
It's been eons but he remembered me! *laughs*
p/s: The night just couldn't get any better. Love the bachata. Thank you! (:
The usual company was there & I'm surprised to see Wilson too! Mario was finally warmed up with a bachata song and slowly to Salsa thereafter.
And when I'm finally about to leave, I met up with William (I think that's how to spell his name)!
It's been eons but he remembered me! *laughs*
p/s: The night just couldn't get any better. Love the bachata. Thank you! (:
13) 10.30pm - 11.45pm : Journey to home.

Remarks: Time was absolutely a thief or either that, the train is speeding.
It was like a snap that my stop was already nearing. I guess all the talking did the work. It wasn't how I would picture to lay out such an issue (and I was totally against it) but the big guy wants to know and it's only fair if I do. So I hope you do understood what I told you and that the main reason was of course, one needs to feel to get it.
p/s: You know it'll be hard for me to do so. So trust me on this. (:
It was like a snap that my stop was already nearing. I guess all the talking did the work. It wasn't how I would picture to lay out such an issue (and I was totally against it) but the big guy wants to know and it's only fair if I do. So I hope you do understood what I told you and that the main reason was of course, one needs to feel to get it.
p/s: You know it'll be hard for me to do so. So trust me on this. (:
14) 12am : The End.

Remarks: Dreamland is my final stop now. (:
p/s: I can't help to say that it was such a crappy timing but I think you are still in green.
No goodbyes nor msges. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid? =S .
p/s: I can't help to say that it was such a crappy timing but I think you are still in green.
No goodbyes nor msges. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid? =S .
Tonight Love?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 | 3:15 PM | 0comments
Woke up today with such an ache in the tummy.
Had no idea why but hurts like hell.
Oh well, at least it's not the muscles from yesterday.
It could have been worst.
After finalising my last words to the scope,
my PP finally got approved!
awesome or what!
Now, there is no excuse for procastination.
And dear Rudy is sick (I think).
Gotta get an appointment soon.
I truly can't live without you.
Got a few more bruises during training and
Gary felt like it was the end of the world.
Poor guy can't stop blaming himself.
"No pain No gain right?"
and all you could reply me was with your guilty smile.

Union was a blast tonight!
With great company and songs, felt like dancing through the whole night.
It was a great night, love.
Sometimes it bothers me why
you would feel in such a way & the reason you would give me.
well boy, I guess it's true of what they said.
but baby, if only you knew.
if there is one thing that I'm afraid of now,
it is to ______ you.
Monday Blues... NOT.
Monday, May 11, 2009 | 11:57 PM | 0comments
It was another day with the Mass Class and dearest Fi was conducting it!
Been busy the whole day and frankly,
all I was looking forward for is to dance it all away.
And to add to the day, Thinn finally decided to join in!

And of course, it was Jason's Birthday today!
No confetti or powder nor whipped cream, just a plain birthday cake and
the team celebtrating the big number 2 together.
Happy Birthday Sweets!

And to see Thinn again right after training was of course
So I see, we might have another bitching kakis here.
*looking at Lyana*
Dinnered at Long John and RJ decided to come in as well.
Random much?
I think it's time.
To finally sit back and watch.
Ambiguous Actions`
Sunday, May 10, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
It was always nice to finally break out from the tension
and dance the night away with friends.
Spent the night at Movida with bunch of my dance kakis.
Wonder how Bellini Grande look like.
*hint hint*
and dance the night away with friends.
Spent the night at Movida with bunch of my dance kakis.
Wonder how Bellini Grande look like.
*hint hint*
Went to hunt for a birthday prez for a friend's birthday tomorrow
but ended with a few new stuffs of my own.
oh my goodness.
And alice is already so jumpy about the idea
of going to union on Tuesday!
I hope it turns out well!
Ms Hani
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments
So we finally get our asses down to Tanjong Pagar to meet Ms Hani.
The Famous Hani Brown.
Only to be disappointed that she'll be free at 9pm onwards and not 7.30pm as planned.
Talk about party pooper.
No union tonight then.
Free Size and all the 4 girls, fit in the costume perfectly!
but there are still some adjustments to be made.
in fact, ALOT.

Met Bj and Alice along the way.
A pity we couldn't join them!
When it's so near yet so far.

Too much disappointments.
If ony you asked, I would have.
The Famous Hani Brown.
Only to be disappointed that she'll be free at 9pm onwards and not 7.30pm as planned.
Talk about party pooper.
No union tonight then.
Free Size and all the 4 girls, fit in the costume perfectly!
but there are still some adjustments to be made.
in fact, ALOT.

Met Bj and Alice along the way.
A pity we couldn't join them!
When it's so near yet so far.

Too much disappointments.
If ony you asked, I would have.
Understand me
Saturday, May 2, 2009 | 3:38 AM | 0comments
Dear _____________,I know it's pointless because I know you'll never bother to listen or take in consideration but at least I'm trying. Hard enough.
As all decisions and final say revolves only around you, sadly, you put FAIRNESS to shame.
Compromisations has never been in you dictionary.
Diplomacy? Tsk. We could only dream of it.
Yet you proudly claim the practice of fairness & equality. Proudly announced to the world that you instil HARMONY.
Haven't you realised that only lying would make you believe?
That truth had never once appealed to you but only lying is the way to your perception of truth?
And respect?
Is there even such an existence around you anymore?
It's not worth it. Not worth it.
Never once would you embrace me.
Never once would you ask politely.
Never once a sense of humanity.
You scarred me time and again. Tsk. Do you even notice it?
Your endless screaming and hiting, won't make me change.
I'm a reason person, not someone like you
who would blithely follow orders without a rhyme and reason.
I grew up differently
and I would have understand why you would do
what you did.
But to prejudice even for your own blood,
it just saddened me more.
Don't you know the hole in my soul you've imprinted is slowly eating me up?
The plight for forgiveness..
Oh, can't you see it's all a charade? A facade?
I may be in the wrong but you never deserve it.
More hiting. More screaming.
And you finally saw the tears,
Flowing down like a river you wished for.
A sense not remorse but satisfaction was explicitly written on your face.
And it wasn't because of all the
piercing words and hard rock beating that caused it.
It wasn't any of it because I am numb
to all that.
Only I realised, not numb ENOUGH.
I know why I cried.
It was disappointment not rage.
It was a dashing hope for me.
How long has it been already? Almost 19 years.
And you still couldn't understand me.
You never do and perhaps, never will.
It saddens me that after so long
living under the same roof, you had never understood me.
that's all we do, aint it?
I'm sad.
I tried to make an effort but you always mis-read me.
Why do I have to go through all that time and again?
Maybe I should just stop trying and start adjusting.
That I'm always the bad one, the rebel, the stubborn,
the whatever-you-name-it,
I'll swallow it.
Because when maybe I could finally realise,
that it IS true,
that the second shild is always the troublemaker, the black sheep.
I'll swallow that for whatever makes you happy.
Your second Child,
Frog Eyes
Friday, May 1, 2009 | 11:57 PM | 0comments
We should have execute the plan
when we're barely even 10.
We should have just follow our instincts
to prevent any further torment on ourselves.
We should have just kiss goodbye
to our little ones,
praying in hope for their future.
We should have.
We should have just run away,
like what they did in the movies.
We should have just escape
to our happy place, contented and glad.
We should have just had a blueprint ready,
knowing history will repeat itself.
Oh Twiniee,
We should have.

p/s: I will always love you come what may. It was never your fault. Im sorry love.