Friday, July 31, 2009 | 11:18 PM | 0comments
Cause I bet you already knew.
But why do I need to pursue
When I knew that it is true?
I still get those butterflies when I see you.
Do you get it too?
Thursday, July 30, 2009 | 11:15 PM | 0comments
''Death is a certainty and while it is not welcomed,
a good death is the aspiration of all.
A good death may not come naturally,
and proper advance planning is more likely to deliver one.''
Treasure and Appreciate what you have.
Before it's taken away.
From you. Forever.
My Forbidden Thrill
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 11:20 PM | 0comments
I decided to keep it in my heart instead.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | 11:12 PM | 0comments
Making Love was more than simply a pleasurable act between two people.
It encompassed all that a couple was supposed to share;
trust & commitment, hopes & dreams and a promise to make it through whatever
the future might bring.

It encompassed all that a couple was supposed to share;
trust & commitment, hopes & dreams and a promise to make it through whatever
the future might bring.

Power Rangers`
Sunday, July 26, 2009 | 11:50 PM | 0comments
My power Rangers rocked the night.
And my favourite night of all three because
I met my Yellow Rangers,
My Teddy won his match of his life,
My Gangsta got what he wanted,
But unfortunately
One didnt get to get through and was presented with failure.
Nevertheless, it was the best night of all
& I appreciate to all who have made the effort to be there and support.
Thank you so much.
Cut me in Half
Thursday, July 23, 2009 | 11:08 PM | 0comments
I hate it when I have to be put in a spot everytime between choices.
Fri & Sat - IGNITE
Fri, Sat & Sun - Power Rangers Fighting.
Can I just teleport myself whenever I need to be in either one of the place?
Somebody invent teleporter already!!
I can't wait to see you.
Take a Poll.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 | 2:49 AM | 0comments
Apparently teenagers nowadays failed to appreciate and understand the true meaning of
dignity, respect and shame.
Exploiting oneself isn't an expression known as a form of art
or the study of anatomy.
Simply, you're just degrading yourself.

How depressing.
Prize Possession: Love
Monday, July 20, 2009 | 11:54 PM | 0comments
The one thing that would constantly remind me that True love does exist.

Nicholas Sparks.
New York #1 Bestseller.
Immerse me once again & tug my heartstrings for
you reveal the yearning of our most prized possession, Love.
Hasty Keys`
Saturday, July 18, 2009 | 11:57 PM | 0comments
Have you ever made a scene in the public?
Perhaps oblivious to many but coincedentally caught the corner's of someone's eyes?
And perhaps those rivers from your eyes made it a lot more worse than you've wanted it to become?
Have you ever imagine tearing over something narrative?
Would you made it out from the scene completely revived or mortified?
Have you ever thought of crossing such a path on a plain saturday morning?
Well as a matter of fact, I do.
And that person is me.
Nicholas Sparks once again moved me to my tears and unexpectedly,
those salty tears flowed smoothly down my cheeks.
Unknowingly, a guy sat across my seat witnessed the embarrassing moment that
he offered me his tissue.
How thoughtful.
Yet I couldn't simply accept it because I was just too mortified.
Well, I was in a bus anyway, what do you expect?
A reason of excuse, I gestured my hands in a polite mannered of saying
"No thanks, I've already got one"
was immediately understood and he simply went back to his
obscurity world of thoughts.
And when I alighted from the bus, I headed straight for my next one
completely unaware that I'll be thinking of him for the next 5minutes.
I didn't even got the chance to get to his name.
Oh bummer.
Well, at least on a lighter note, I couldn't help but to smile everytime I take a look at myPokes section in my Facebook Homepage.
Amazing how one person can make me smile everytime I see her name.
Cute isn't it?

I completely understand the risk.
I love the comfort.
But I just don't want it to be you.
Another branch for the Family Tree`
Thursday, July 16, 2009 | 11:52 PM | 0comments

And so we welcome the new guy, Fiqri Huzaiman,
which aparrently is my youngest newest uncle.
I don't know if I should feel younger or older.
It's so confusing.
I thought the day when you left
I could finally reside to the painful loop of quandaries.
Never did I realised something more would come.
Why do I have to go through it one more time?
There must be something I've missed previously.
Promises & Vows
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
A trip back to the forgotten lane was a broken promise I once made to myself.
The quandary of getting "caught" yet the bliss of secrecy was too much but so addictive as well.
For once it was mentioned, curiosity does wonders.
Yet another story unfold and this time, fill me up in hope.
I long for the excitement and assuarance you once promised me.
Nonetheless, so the promise I made to you.
But why do we keep rerunning the same images in our mind?
Promises and vows.
Why can't one abide to it?
Why the need to bend when a rule was set?
A thousand whirl of doubtss, unspoken mistook emotions.
Why do I have to assume?
Should I trust you?
The quandary of getting "caught" yet the bliss of secrecy was too much but so addictive as well.
For once it was mentioned, curiosity does wonders.
Yet another story unfold and this time, fill me up in hope.
I long for the excitement and assuarance you once promised me.
Nonetheless, so the promise I made to you.
But why do we keep rerunning the same images in our mind?
Promises and vows.
Why can't one abide to it?
Why the need to bend when a rule was set?
A thousand whirl of doubtss, unspoken mistook emotions.
Why do I have to assume?
Should I trust you?
Marked the calender.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 | 12:04 AM | 0comments

To my gorgeously smelly sweet gf,
Happy 19th sweetheart!
At long last, your 19 years on earth had served you quite a few p0eaks & valleys in life.
Never back down & always be strong hunneh!
And oh, promise me something.
Before the big number 2 comes, go treat yourself & do something crazy!
I love you cupcake!
Monday, July 13, 2009 | 11:30 PM | 0comments
Of that crimson love,
Your smile shined upon
my withered soul
so warm and ready, it glows.
Once a loner,
of abundance.
Thrust upon the flesh, it hurts.
But your touch,
it heals all, don' let go now.
Forever hold.
Of that deep blue
sparkled like an angel's eyes,
drown my soul
as a new story be told.

You are so sweet`
Sunday, July 12, 2009 | 11:42 PM | 0comments
Knowing the consequences, I just had to take a step back on this one.
Clearly, too nice of a guy has too much of tolerancy and patience for someone.
For someone I wish NOT to be me.
Yet so inevitable, I've already made a promise to myself.
Thank you.
Clearly, too nice of a guy has too much of tolerancy and patience for someone.
For someone I wish NOT to be me.
Yet so inevitable, I've already made a promise to myself.
Thank you.
P.S: DianaBabe went hunting with me for a new lacquered colour!
This month would be colourful at the tip of our fingers! (Literally speaking).
Temptation Galore`
Saturday, July 11, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Sometimes you can excuse yourself from indulging to impulsive shopping
just cause you're with your girls & it's been eons
since you last did.

Only you have to realise,
you're eating yourself up inside.
Make a wise decision.
Mudpie & Cheesecake
Thursday, July 9, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Because I love her and she meant the world to me.

Let's get the ball rolling now shall we?
Oh let me warn you,
there is no guarantee a prize to be won.
But the game will still be playing..
Are you sure you're up for it?
Yo-Bo Time`
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
An Impression.
Sometimes I wonder what was yours when it's the first.
Sometimes I wonder will it stays even for a moment.
Sometimes I wonder if it'll change for a better...or worse?
I wonder myself if mine would change for you.
..if you knew what I thought of you.
..if you heard the remarks I gave about you.
..if you would be there for a shoulder to cry on.
But we're just humans.
And by nature, the most curious being on earth.
4 chained of movies and timing overrun,
hey, not bad afterall aye?
though it sorta reminds me of something I miss terribly.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Horror Flicks
..are best watched aloud,
...are best accompanied with only the darkness,
...are best watched under covers,
..are best when watching it with you.
A Cozy evening wasn't what I expected & indubitably, it was a wonderful time indeed.
Thank you dear.
One Option.
Monday, July 6, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Why do human resort for an escape when they are always challenged with a problem?
Why do they rant and whine but do nothing about it?
Why do they suggest yet run away when it's nearing?
Why do they always want to end it?

Because they always want the easy way out.
A typical one`
Sunday, July 5, 2009 | 10:58 PM | 0comments
Work was slow today but at least it does get my mind out of some things and that's partly the reason why I love being at work.
It's just a stress-free environment.
(minus the customer demands and those wailing & mischiveous kids running amock, of course.)
It is always a bliss to have Diana around.
Missing her company as always.
And now that I have leave on every saturday,
I'm so free I could build a house.
Not until the 25th though, cause that's when the real deal starts.
With the boys and love birds out for a blasting night movie:
Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen,
I foresee my own movie mania.
Equipped with Rudy, Emily and an ice cream tub in another,
let's switch off the lights and roll on
Mr. Jigsaw please.

Contemplation is always an issue for me.
Why can't I just get to what I desire?
Why must I always hesitate?
Would you hate me for this?
HoneyBunch Last Night`
Saturday, July 4, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments

Goodbyes are never enough, my dear.
For all the times we've known one another,
you were a good, supportive & not forgetting a very kinky sister to me!
Having you around is always a joy & sharing those crazy moments
together were a blast!
Now, the Gorgeous Geela Girls is short of one.
I love you darling & all the best as your new journey awaits you!
Thursday, July 2, 2009 | 11:59 PM | 0comments

Dante's Cove
A Lust. A Sinful Pleasure. A deep dark Secret.
Many endeavour what's
hidden within.
But be careful now.
You may be next.

Making choices are part of our lives.
Inevitable yet commendable when one has settled.
Don't let others choose for you.
And never back down.
Because in the end, it's your path that you're walking on,
not theirs.
LOA is a bliss to me`
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 | 11:22 PM | 0comments
Let loose and Jump in the waves honey.
Because you know you deserve it.

A week off from school.
How I wish the building would be disinfected by now.