Thursday, October 29, 2009 | 11:58 PM | 0comments
Because with every sweat, we strive.
Because with every ache, we move on.
Because with every bruise, we persevere.

Because with every determination, defines our willpower.
It's not a need nor is it a want.
but I'm longing for you.
So what is it then?
Astika: Don't you just miss that name?
Sunday, October 25, 2009 | 12:10 AM | 0comments

"Hahahah! You were 19mins late! Hmph.
But never mind. Just treat me to Starbuck & you are forgiven. Hehe.
Hahahaha! Righttt boyfriend, you should get one first.
But nah.. Both of us know very well that's not important for now,
we go for datessss remember.
Love you lotsssss woman!"
And that's all I get after wishing and blowing kisses to you!?
Happy 19th Darla`
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 | 11:55 PM | 0comments
"I'm glad we had this talk. I felt really relieved to be honest."
The verdict is due as fate has written it.
For I believe now,
is not the time for me.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 | 10:58 PM | 0comments
You opened your eyes only to be shocked by the ferocious lights that befall upon you.
You yawned like a caterpillar comfortably snuggling itself in its cocoon
oblivious to the strain of all these honeyed adoration.
Oh yes precious one.
You are a fortunate one indeed.
2 renowned Salsa dancers for a lifetime guardian,
I don't care if anyone protest,
I'm self-declaring to be your Godsister, Hud.

Motherhood or not, she is still as gorgeous.
Have you seen her before?
Friday, October 16, 2009 | 11:47 PM | 0comments
With so much ordeal and responsibilities, it's no wonder humans like me are always under straining pressure of managing their time and life all together.
No one say it's going to be easy.
And when you fall, you've got only yourself to depend on.
The world is selfish and heartless but even at the verge of calamity we seek for hope and miracle through every strand we are left.
We're all following printed directions now aren't we?
And I truly miss being where SHE was before.
Oblivious to the overwhelming distractions & influences, contented with just smiles & loves.
Oh yes.
That's her alright.

Rock + Star = Patrick Love`
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | 11:45 PM | 0comments
"He might be busy Rocking".
"He might be tired after Rocking".
"He might be out hanging with the Rockings."
Oh Fuck It.

Tell Me Please
Friday, October 9, 2009 | 11:46 PM | 0comments
Greeted by a familiar face upon an unknown territory
marks an enigma of the contemporary feeling
that has begun to envelope me, almost immediately.
I was subconsciously aware the reality of which it had
lead me to these assumptions.
But when you turned to look at me one last time,
it felt like the first time & those eyes,
gave me the answers to these indentured assurance smiles to me.
Oh only such impossibilities may be plausible
in our neuro sector where we often drifted for a shut eye.
Only one question remains:
Was it really you who smiled at me?

Saturday, October 3, 2009 | 11:03 PM | 0comments
An arduous morning.
An unexpected visit.
A secret tale told.
Oh yes, I'm loving my Saturdays now.