So are you?
Sunday, February 28, 2010 | 11:40 PM | 0comments
Hey Professor,
I've got a question.
See, my mind has been intrigued for too many times that it burns me not to ask you this for I hope you could enlighten me with your wise & noble thoughts.
Why do people are always so attached and affected by what it's called as...."Label"?
Is there not a sense of individualism?
Where uniqueness of one and all were called out to be individuals of their own?
Why must one punish oneself far too much to succumb into normality when one does have the power to be different?
Maybe, just maybe Professor that it's because of we're only human.
Frail humans who needs someone to lead and guide to them to what they seek as righteous of life. Or is it?
Now, I do definitely do not have the answer but there is one thing for sure that I do.
And that is to stand to be different. So the question is,
And that is to stand to be different. So the question is,
Are you IN or OUT?
Friday, February 26, 2010 | 11:53 PM | 0comments
Before she puts on her last drop of perfume, she turned her back to her second blood, wearing a doubt on her face, a gesture so predictable her second blood could read her through.
"So is this your first love?"
The room before, filled with beats being played incessantly on her Acer Extensa, now drop to a zero decibel awaiting only the sound of answers to break the silence.
....5 second past.
"Cause you're so happy now and I'm very glad that you are.
What not? You're on your honeymoon period now. Heh.
Well, I'm just saying."
And with that, she smiled and puts on her Lovely in Pink by Sweet Honesty, tussled through her hair & walked out the room leaving the doubt conquering their minds.
Especially mine.
Part of the List
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | 11:22 PM | 0comments

Because there isn't anyone like you.
Like me.
Spoilt For Choice?
Sunday, February 21, 2010 | 11:13 PM | 0comments
Have you ever been in such situation?

We heard, we came but did we conquered?
There are countless of ways to get that perfect body.
Okay.. so maybe 'perfect' seems a lil' too headstrong so Imma say...
.... to get slim or lose weight.
Whichever you prefer, the clean, dirty or hardcore way, it's all about the outcome by the end of the day wouldn't it?
Now who would say "NO" to such a definely toned shape tummy with perfect contours body that compliments the assets of a young woman?
Give me Megan Fox's or Keri Hilson's body and Imma gladly give up mine. Heh. :/

So hear hear now, the famous 3 ways to get that dream body.
- Get a Strict Diet.
- Exercise a plenty.
- Let's make the Love.
Now obviously a strict healthy diet is the advisable but trust me aint ever such thing gonna happen in ma crib.
Pancake with Ice creams & Nuts.
Homemade Pizza.
Baked Chessy Pasta.
With the constant goodies Mummykins keep whipping up, it's no wonder we're like this.
Good God. 0.0

So having a strict diet may be a lil' difficult so hey, why not workout?
Who would complain about just a teeny weany sweat aye?
And to this juncture where I could gladly say that dancing, which is also a form of workout, would do just perfect!
Unfortunately, training hasn't been coming around anytime soon and I foresee a long holiday ahead so that would mean taking up dancing as my workout would indubitably not work.
Scrap this one out?

So what am I left with now?
Making the love? Hmmmmmmmmm..
That doesn't sound hard at all now would it? Besides, it's only a matter of time, place and positions aye? :P

Nahh...I'm just teasing.
Or am I? :P
City Alive 2010!
Saturday, February 20, 2010 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
I came to Party, You came to Party, So why don't we party together?

Who said the City was dead?
Pen it, Mark it, Let's do it.
Friday, February 19, 2010 | 11:04 PM | 0comments
Tick Tock.. Tick Tock...
Clock is ticking baby...
February is coming to an end and with all the excitement and exuberance waiting for me for the month to come, there is however, still one thing that has left poking me on the ribs.
Quite literally actually.
And with the uber hectic lifestyle we're I'm leading, there is absolutely no way I could get my schedule done before Mr March comes knocking.
I need to gear up, be prepared and let loose.
Are you in with me Twiniee Baby?
.14days and counting.
A wish for...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 | 10:53 PM | 0comments
For the Friend...
who is always so concern.
who not once let a single let down let it affect me.
who gossips laughs and swoons about anything and everything under the sun with me.
For the Enemy...
who constantly nags, sometimes unnecessarily.
who would act beyond reasons at any moment of PMS.
who would refuse to listen to reasons though a decisions has already been made.
For the Sister...
who lend me a shoulder and a listening ear every now and then.
who feels my struggle & pain to the need of being different.
who encourage & motivates me, not once leaving me behind on this broken twisted path I chose.
For the Mother...
who shower me with endearing love not once less or more than than the rest.
who always remind me the significance and importance of the beauty & purpose of Life.
who would go the extra mile to guide me towards rightfulness of anything I do.
For The Birthday Girl...
who turned 43 today.
who wishes for nothing but just love and sincerity from all.
who I mentioned of all the above,

Happy Birthday My Angel.
(my friend, my enemy, my sister & my mother)
May God hear & bless you with all and more that you've asked for.
Because you deserve it.
I Love you Mummykins. ♥
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 | 11:58 PM | 0comments

You always make my day a lil' notch higher than before.
Thank you.
Love All Around`
Sunday, February 14, 2010 | 11:56 PM | 0comments
Love with Ohana.
Nothing beats spending my time with you darlings.

And with such a beautiful weather, let's put on our gears & jog baby!

Valentine with Ohana over at the East?
What's so bad about that? (:
The Eve`
Saturday, February 13, 2010 | 11:20 PM | 0comments

A Fantastic Eve.
With you & me together
enjoying the sun & the breeze.

A Fantastic Eve.
Just for two
rides to Skyride & Luge.

A Fantastic Eve.
With Carlos & Aboo
Adding to the smiles of Me & You.

A Fantastic Eve.
As a new chapter begins to unfold
Turn the pages slowly now
And let the rest be told.

A Fantastic Eve.
To go High & Low
Even if it means to
Lose control, Mi Amor.

A Fantastic Eve.
With more than a 100shots to keep
And only footprints in sand
that we leave.
Gracias Te Amor`
Total 8
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | 11:17 PM | 0comments
Tag 8 people from your life. Be it random, meaningful or special just complete the list.
Person 1: C.A
Person 2: Twiniee
Person 3: Riniee
Person 4: Siti
Person 5: Dzul
Person 6: Huzzy
Person 7: Lyana
Person 8: Irfanando
Why is the person in spot 1 there?
` (C.A): Because he was the first to come up. (:
Have you ever hugged 6?
` (Huzzy): Without a doubt.
Out of your top 8, who was the last one you road in a car with?
` Hmmm....Twiniee definitely.
When was the last time you talked to 2 on the phone?
` (Twiniee): That I can't remember seriously. Because seeing her everyday numbs the phone feeling. haha.
How do you know 8?
` (Irfanando): Family dude. It's the ties. (:
Is 2 taken or single?
` (Twiniee): Of which her heart was already stolen and kept safely in B.I.L's safebox. (:
How did you meet 1?
` (C.A): Funny you have to mention that. Unexpected acquaintanceship over at Marina Square.
Would 4 & 5 make a good couple?
` (Dzul & Siti): Holycrap. Definite NO.
What about 1 & 3?
` (C.A & Riniee): IswearIwontmakeherlifeeasy. Heh. ;P
When was the last time you kissed 1?
` (C.A): *swoons*
What is your favorite thing about 6?
` (Huzzy): His crazy wacky colourful personality.
What about 7?
` (Lyana): Her Geela & bitchy attitude and how silly bug she could be at times. (:
What does 4 usually ask you for?
` (Siti): An outing together!! So when Siti!!?? 0.0
Who do you think is the funniest of your top 8?
` Definitely number1. (:
Who is your favorite to talk to when you're down?
` Twiniee. Always the first. Muacks.
Would you ever date 1?
` (C.A): date? we'll do more than just date darliinnnggggg.. ;P
Describe 8 in 3 words?
` (Irfanando): my darling cuzzy.
Does 7 have any siblings?
` (Lyana): Yups! Elder sister.
What are the last three numbers of 3's phone number?
` (Riniee): Should I tell? :X!
What would you do with 5 if you were locked in a room with him/her?
` (Dzul): We'll play cards. Or he'll start his Karaoke session with me. Fo' real. -.-
Out of your top 8.. who is better looking?
` All of 'em & I aint lying. (:
I ain't doing 'nithing crazy, I just need you to hear me.
You Tell Me.
Monday, February 8, 2010 | 11:56 PM | 0comments
One Definition. Explains all.

Sexist?! Sheesh.
Nope. Not me. Heh. :D
Sunday, February 7, 2010 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Let the stars do the talking.
Libra Erogenous Zone:
The lower back is the most sensitive region on a Libra. Caressing it softly or even slow dancing will heighten the sensual experience for any Libra.
Libra are usually very fond of a light pinch or smack on the buttocks.
Libra are usually very fond of a light pinch or smack on the buttocks.
[Gosh. Realllyyyyyy...? *giggles*]
Sex With Libra:
Sex is enchanting, sensual experience, like a sex scene out of a movie. Lots of gentle rubbing, stroking, caressing. Libras make very imaginative and creative lovers. They are good at what they do and they are willing to try something new.
Always keep it classy however, Libras are not one for bathroom stall sex.
Set the mood with lots of teasing foreplay and create ambiance with candles and scented massage oils.
[...Sex scene out of a movie? Gooossshhhh...Images now...]
No harm reading aye? (:

Good Night Mi Amor`
Friday, February 5, 2010 | 11:06 PM | 0comments
Name of Cafe: Munchies Mania
Cafe Points: 126787
Stage: 42
Cafe Coins: $1,391,920
Cafe Cash: 9
Gifts: 66

Yes. I know.
I need help. Seriously.
I need help. Seriously.
Top of the food chain
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 | 11:58 PM | 0comments

Human Beings are by far the most intelligent and the highest level of order in the natural food chain because of our will and capability to use the methods of technology to enhance our hunting skills. Come to think of it, we cheated our way up the food chain.
So are we cheaters?
Some might debate so but are we not just finding the best means possible to adapt and survive in this cruel world?
Funny how a stupid piece of paper can determine how a person lives in this world when we were brought into this world for many different things.
Funny how people chase for power and wealth when they bring with them nothing in their deaths.
Funny how frail and weak we are when given nothing our willpower stood strong.
Nonetheless we all know that to fight it is futile.
Oh well, I guess we will all die as the insolent fools that we are.
Marked Me
Monday, February 1, 2010 | 11:59 PM | 0comments
Star Strucked?

"1 kiss for your mind,
1 hug for your body,
Bite me gently and Imma whisper baby.
Sucha good ride being with you,
don't stop the ride cause
I really miss you!"
You know I do. (: