Not Weird. At all.(:
Friday, July 9, 2010 | 12:01 AM | 0comments

What more can I say?
You've been terribly missed & loved! Hurry Home sweetums. ♥
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 | 11:53 PM | 0comments
Like any day, knowledge is perceive and accepted in all sort of forms and today, I learnt something I wasn't quite prepared for.

If you think this is some nasty piercing shit, take a look again.
Behold. It's a Cupping therapy.
Cupping else known as Bekam in Malay, is famous for its therapy for reducing body pains (mostly in for the back), removing of toxins and even increases immunity to oneself.
There are other benefits, well Im sure you can find them in just a click.
Now, so what seems to be an issue?
Blood cupping that is.
Don't get me wrong.
Cupping therapy IS cool but if you think it's as harmless as how Jackie Chan did for Jaden Smith in the Karate Kid, oh you're so wrong dude.
Cupping sucks the hell outta you that it'll leave the biggest "hickey"and it'll only wears off 15days later (some lucky asses got up till 10days).
I swear my hair stands every single time I get a peek to these pictures.

Blood cupping is, no doubt, some nasty shit.
And I mean literally.
True, it proved to be more stronger than the usual cupping method but it'll take longer to heal.
Apart from that, who would wanna witness all dozen red (sometimes blue black) marks on your back?
Way to go for sexy time. -.-
A friend of mine even "gave up" after several cups. With all the blood draining from her back, poor girl was dizzy (and she didn't even manage to complete her $30 session that her mom forced her into. In the end, she paid only $10. Imagine that). And her period wasn't helping much.
"Oh gee, thanks mom."
I feel you girl.
So story be told, a lesson to learn.
Blood cupping is some nasty shit.
Even if my back freaking bloody hurts, my toxins are accumulating & my immune system are breaking down or that I have a free session, have my word, I would NEVER in a lifetime try it.

I'll stick to acupuncture. Thank you.
Ignite! 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010 | 1:26 AM | 0comments
Slit me, Drug me, Buried me.
Im still a walking deceased. Back for a party life.

Thank you one and all for making it happen.
Hugs & Kisses`
Give me a sign
Friday, July 2, 2010 | 1:28 AM | 0comments

Surely it'll be a blast.
For least, that's what I prayed.