Just a Night
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | 11:34 PM | 0comments
Baby, we can make love to a rap song.
Just me and you.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 | 1:11 AM | 0comments

Have you ever wanted to meet yourself and see yourself at a different point of view?
If there is such opportunity, I would take that leap.
Right now, given a debate about who knows oneself better than the other, I'll say no one.
See, no matter how hard you try to make an impression or to prove someone or something, you'll never be able to know your true self.
But then again. What constitutes a "True Self"?
Your values? Your goals? Your morals? Your etiquette? Your influences?
What define a true self?
With myriad definitions floating around in a billion and one head, no one would really settle for a distinct definition. And why? Simple.
Because with everything being so globalised, nothing is really original. Because everything is created based on something else. Even Ideas.
Wait. Im going a lil' sidetrack here..What am I talking about again...? Oh right. True self.
Im getting too carried away now. Jeez.
So when you finally define the "True Self", then you'll understand why is there a need to see yourself in another perspective.
Because there will be a thousand and one questions you would want to ask why you did what you did. I know my set of list and I cant wait to show her.
And despite all the shits and wonders she had done, I am proud of her. Of myself.
For coming this far to continuously change for the better.(:
Love yourself before loving others.♥
It aint the end yet
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 | 11:03 PM | 0comments
I'm pretty excited but I'm even sure for what exactly.
The anxiety of waiting for something to happen.. oh god, please stop torturing me already.
It's already the last month of the year.
And oh boy.
There will be lotsa changes coming.
And for the first, I know what's the biggest change of all.
December baby, bring it on to momma.