No one..
Sunday, August 4, 2013 | 12:03 AM | 0comments

Chapter 1
I’m no longer on the edge of a cliff, I’m falling. What can I do when all hope seems to fade, that life has lost its meaning. People say that death is only the beginning. Death is a commingling of eternity with time; in the death of a good man, eternity is seen looking through time.
When you are falling, the memories of your life flash upon you in an instant. All those times you spent laughing, arguing, crying and idling, life is indeed like a snapshot of pictures. You find yourself wondering whether you have fulfilled your wishes in life.
Some cringed when realization hits them; that they didn’t live their life the way the want, that there are certain aspects of their life which they wish could have been lived differently. May it be regrets, disappointments, conflicts, hate or even heartbreaks; bottom line is no matter what they say, we are just not ready for the afterlife. The slow and torturous moment when your soul leaves your body, fear engulfs you, darkness surrounds you.
And then a light appears beyond the horizon; faint at first only to glow brighter as it approaches. Judgment is upon you, either absolution befalls on you or you dwell in the fiery chasm.